What are cookies?
Cookies are plain text files containing small amounts of anonymous information that are created and
stored on your computer, mobile or other device when you visit a website. They can be used for lots of
different purposes, like saving shopping baskets, enabling smooth login, pre populating forms and
remembering preferences.
Cookies are not harmful and cannot scan or retrieve your personal information.
The EU Cookie Law is the EU e-Privacy Directive that is set to come into action on 26th May 2012 and what
it means is that we have to get our visitors informed consent before placing a cookie on their machine.
A list of all the cookies used on our website:
own cookies:
- Name: cc_cookie_accept
Usage: denotes user's consent with cookies - Name: cookie_test
Usage: used to test cookie functions - Name: osCsid
Usage: used to store web session ID - Name: PAGING_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, SORT_ORDER
Usage: improving page views
3-rd party cookies:
Google Analytics cookies: - Name: _utma; _utmb; _utmc; _utmv; _utmz
Usage: used to distinguish users and sessions
Thank you for your understanding!
We wish you a pleasent experience on our website
For all additional info please call 00386 31 639 007 or write us an e-mail: info@kolesarski-svet.si
team cycling world